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Water ring vacuum pumps
Water ring vacuum pumps

1.Gettering Quantity 1.5 - 120 (m3/min)
2.Vacuum Limit -0.091 - 0.093 (MPa)
3.Pump Power 3 - 185 (kw)
4.Compressor Power 4 - 75 (kw)
5.Compressor Pressure 0 - 1 (MPa)
6.Water Consumption 10 - 260 (L/min)
7.Vacuum -450 - 110 (mmHg)

Features And Applications

The Series SZ water ring vacuum pumps and compressors are used for pumping compressed air or other gases, especially gases containing a large amount of water steam. The pumps are also applicable to pumping corrosive gases. The applications of the Series SZ water ring vacuum pumps include vacuum dehydration in the chemical, plastic and leather industries, and pre-pumping for the Roots vacuum system. The Series SK water ring vacuum pumps and compressors are suitable for pumping particle-free, insoluble and non-corrosive gases, which temperature is between -100 - 600 . Since the compression is an isothermal process, it greatly reduces the risk of explosion when compressing or pumping flammable or explosive gases. The Series SZ water ring vacuum pumps and compressors are widely used for machinery, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, sugar-making and electronic industries.

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